Here are various articles that have been written about DMFS over the past few years:
- Baltimore City Paper – Red Rocket of Love by Jess Harvell
“The Dirty Marmaduke Flute Squad… is just having a bit of fun, like the recently fired cast of a cable access children’s show drunk on Natty Boh and playing Hank Williams and Motörhead covers while still in costume.”
- Baltimore Sun – The Kids Are All Right by Sam Sessa
“I just like being vulgar,” Bennett said. “I can’t not be vulgar. That’s the thing. Curse words. I love them. I can’t stop saying them. Kids are great. They’re cool. They make me smile and stuff. But not as much as cursing.”,0,242976.story
- - The Dirty Marmaduke Flute Squad Turns Band Promotion into an Artform by Anne Steward
“…behind the bizarre costumes, gratuitous profanity, and sound that ranges from skater punk to neo-psychedelia, is a wealth of promotional knowledge, the product of years of experimentation and thinking outside the box.”
- Noise @ The City Paper - Show The Dirty Marmaduke Flute Squad Your Boobs (Also, Buy Them a Beer) by Al Shipley
“The Dirty Marmaduke Flute Squad put on what has to be, by some distance, one of the oddest rock shows in Baltimore.”
- Baltimore@Home – Behold: The Dirty Marmaduke Flute Squad by Brian Campbell
“They are actually a group of intergalactic travelers that made their way to Earth in a makeshift cardboard banana, destined to drain our world of our vital resources, like plastic screws, shoe heels, piano keys and clouds.”
- Bmore Musically Informed - Interview: The Hilltop Hightops/DMFS
“Playing for kids is cool. It’s like playing for a really rowdy drunken crowd of little people.”
- Baltimore Interview – Nikc Miller’s Garbage Can by Joseph Young
“He is aware of the demands of his audience, conscious of the shape and effect of his products. He knows what his viewers and listeners are after and that’s a bit of chaos, a taste of mayhem, a couple treats from the garbage can.”
- Metromix – Baltimore Bands To Watch (and Hear) by Kat Hudson
“While so many metal bands take themselves far to seriously, it’s refreshing to listen to one that enjoys making music that is simultaneously rock-out-loud good and laugh-out-loud good.”
- Midnight Sun – The Dirty Marmaduke Flute Squad: From Lewd to Loveable by Ryan Graham
“It’s not like we ever had much artistic integrity to begin with, given that our lead singer wears a horse head and sings about necrophilia.”
- Baltimore@Home - Die Humpin Review by Brian Campbell
“After listening to the album one and half times, I now know two things – these guys have a great sense of humor, and they are good musicians.”