A few weeks ago I gave some advice on using video and Facebook to gain some clout when following up with potential fans at a music conference. We recently employed this tactic at the NACA conference at East Stroudsburg University. But this time, instead of paying people to eat random things (like we did in Lancaster), we decided to go a different route.
Using Curtis “King” Crispin’s big brain and laser-pointer thermometer, we created a mini-event in our booth. The “Hottest Ass Contest” was born:
The execution of the contest was a 3-step method that happened in tandem. Ryan would talk people into our booth and explain our contest. Curtis would use the laser-thermometer to take the temp. All the while I would write down the info presented on each person’s badge (name and school) with their individual ass temperature. We’d leave them with a postcard and a copy of Die Humpin! and a dollar for participating.
The week that followed was hectic. We searched for everybody we talked to on Facebook and friend-requested them with a message that read like this:
Yo! Thanks for stopping by and talking to us at NACA. Also thanks for participating in our “Hot Ass” Contest. The average temp was 80.17907 degrees. You registered [their temp], so you’re right on track. We’ll have some video of the whole thing posted soon. Have a good one!
The beauty of this technique was that we didn’t have to waste time rehashing the details about our band, or worry about them not responding if they didn’t like our music. In fact, we didn’t talk about our band at all, we talked about THEM and they definitely remembered us.
Not only did most of the people we met accept our request. We got a couple of sweet messages back like this:
and this:
Compared to the really lackluster results we got last time by doing the standard thing (emailing the attendee list that’s given to everyone who presents), this method was a smashing success.
Next week: The prank we pulled on Scott Alexander at NACA!
If you like this article, check out:
The Mild Facebook Stalking Technique For Bands At Conferences: A quick primer on how to use video to follow up and connect with the people you meet at conferences.
What We Learned At NACA: A few things we learned from the last stunt we pulled at NACA
A Few More Things We Learned At NACA: Some quick tips about what to bring and do while you’re at NACA
That chick is pissed off because another girl got better ass than she does. LOL
Very interesting… thermo dynamics it is! indeed!