Well that didn’t take long. Within a week of posting our Kickstarter fundraiser, to fund the physical production of Boneslinky! we reached our small goal. Kickstarter is definitely a great tool for music promotions.
We are truly grateful for people who have donated and purchased the new album before hearing even a few tracks of the finished product.
Even more astonishing is that a few people decided to give us a little bit more to have a pizza and Raven beer party at their place while playing a few tunes. That’s pretty fucking awesome if you ask me.
BUT WE STILL NEED MONEY! Well, we’re not begging or anything (yet) but if you plan on buying the album, this is probably the most bang your going to get for the buck. Check out the page. We have a ton of cool prizes for different levels of donations. But at the very least you get the album and free entry to our Baltimore Beer Week release party!