THE FINAL COUNTDOWN: Pre-Order Our Album And Be An Amazing Human

FINALLY! Our CD Release is this Friday at The Windup Space. So while we’re alerting the proper authorities, our very serious thoughts about band marketing (aka: how to get free shit just by being a big enough jackass to walk around in public in a children’s costume) are on hold just for this week.

In the meantime, help us out by contributing to our Kickstarter fund (click on the funny pic on the right!). This helps us cover the costs of creating the album and keeps us doing what we do best: making offensive wannabe art rock.

So far, the contributions to our Kickstarter fund have been amazing. Our friend and fan Jon Cook graciously gave us a hundred bucks to throw a show at his house. And some dude by the name of “Jesus” gave us $50 and wanted nothing in return. Weird.

Even $5 helps us out immensely and gets you a download of the album, which in my opinion has to be one of the best albums any costume band from Baltimore has put out in the ’10s.

See you folks at the Windup Space this Friday at 9pm. Oh yeah, in case we didn’t mention it, it’s a Baltimore Beer Week event, and there will be some phat specials on Raven Beer all night!

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